Saturday, October 31, 2009

Consumer Warning Listings - 10/31/09

Okay, so after this week, I decided to do a consumer warning listings blog. Each week, I will make a listing of those suspicious of fraudulent behavior. Anyone who knows the people I listed and can back them up, please tell me to that I may issue an apology an put them on a trusted sellers list.

Ebay - 10/29/09 to 10/31/09


Amanda said...

Dear Nya. I just bought the 32gb ipod from this seller... Am I in trouble? I dished out A LOT of money and I am not at all wealthy. I saved up. I know paypal covers my purchase price but i dont want the hassle of a fraudulent seller. Should I be worried?

Amanda said...

I have been looking on ebay and it seems there are a lot of sellers with no feedback who are selling ipods. All of the listings look exactly the same with a generic stock photo and basically no description. I bought from a seller (kylielove0) that did have feedback- I still have not heard anything back and none of my messages have been returned. I think eBay needs to wise up and stop sponsoring these Fraudulent sellers.