Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Experience - My first year as a Nichiren Buddhist

It's been a year since I become a Nichiren Buddhist. It's kinda weird how I become one. One night, I was on iTunes searching for Buddhist podcasts where I found, ironically, A Buddhist Podcast. The first episode I listened to was the Study Special with Jason Jarrett, the host, and William Woolard, the author of "The Reluctant Buddhist". They were going over study material for the Buddhist Learning Review that year. I listened for a few minutes before going to bed. Later that night, at around 1AM, my niece got in trouble for stealing our Grandma's car. The house was in an uproar. The next morning, everyone was still upset and so I decided to go to the Benson Grind on 60th and Maple. I had the podcast on my mp3 player and listened to it while I was there. The more I listened, the more it made sense. So, I began to research more on my own. I was suprised to discover that there was an SGI here in Omaha. I wanted to go, but I didn't know how to drive and took the bus. Well, Alex, Claude and Mayumi came to pick me up and I attened my first SGI meeting. I was unsure about everything, thinking what I had gotten myself into this time. But, throughout the meeting, it made more sense. So, I started going to more meetings and meeting many wonderful people. In May 2009, I became a member of the SGI and in August 2009, I had my Gohonzon enshrined. I feel grateful for finding Nichiren Buddhist or it finding me and I know that I'm much happier now that I was a year ago.

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