Monday, November 30, 2009

Reflections - 2009

It's about 12:45am right now. I couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to do this instead. I was thinking what a year this has been. Not just for me, but everyone. This year, I graduated from Vatterott and currently in MCC, had my first internship and enshrined my Gohozon. Meanwhile, Taylor Swift had a big year, too, we loss so many famous faces including one of the greatest performers of our lifetime, Undertaker and Shawn Micheals fought in one of the greatest matches in Wrestlemania history, the final season of Battlestar Galactic, the economy, Sarah Palin's new book and New Moon currently dominating the box office. I would go of, but it would be January 1 by the time I'm done. With all that's happened, what will next year bring? Hopefully, we're wise enough to learn from the past to make a better future. Only time will tell...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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